Becker Institute Programs for

"It is said that it takes a village to raise a
child. But what it really takes is first a dedicated parent or parents to raise a
child and then the support of a village. Parents can no longer afford to allow
other agencies and services to raise their kids. It is time for Parents to do their
- Fred Becker 2004
"I have attended many parenting programs and
left unfulfilled. Thank you for presenting a parenting program that makes sense and
works! I will tell all my friends."
- Karen Wilson
If you are a parent looking for a workshop in your area you
can: 1. Check the event calendar
2. Contact your local agency that works with your child and ask them to provide a workshop in you
3. Start a small group training
4. Enroll in Private coaching
5. Purchase books or CD's
If you are an organization or agency the following presentations can be provided to the community
you serve.
How to Develop a Self-Reliant and Responsible Child
This workshop for parents is presented in one of two levels:
Level One: Parents of children aged 3-12
Level Two: Parents of children aged 13-20
This is a four part series:
1 1/2 hours each presented over 4 consecutive weeks/months
This workshop series provides you with the philosophies, skills,
planning, and practice needed to develop a responsible and self-reliant
This up-to-date, research-based, interactive series will challenge
the way you work with your children and allow you to give your child the social / emotional
skills and pro-social opportunities they need to prosper.
Parents will learn how to: " Stop nagging, arguments, power struggles, and stop emotional
" Stop rescuing children and teach them to solve their own problems
" Reduce discipline and increase enjoyment of their children
" Encourage task completion and set effective consequences
" Allow their child to earn the many privileges they enjoy
" Establish respect and empathy for other family members
" Dialogue, collaborate, cooperate, and negotiate with their child
Kids and Drugs, What every parent is afraid to say.
Presentation Time: 1 to 2 hours
"My child will never use drugs". We never think drugs will touch our child but your child has better
than a 50 /50 chance of using drugs. If you don't take action the odds will only get
This parent perspective presentation gives you the latest information on youth drug trends, how to
recognize if your child is involved in drugs, and parent intervention strategies. Drugs destroy
families and lives. Keep up to date and informed.
How to Deal With Disrespect, Violence and Aggression
Presentation time: 1 to 2 hours
Have you noticed a disturbing trend within our culture toward
violence? There is an increase of disrespect, aggression and violence among youth occurring
at an earlier age. Learn how to protect your child from this trend. In this workshop you will
learn how to teach your children to:
" Develop skills to control emotions
" Solve problems instead of acting out
" Deal with bullies, teasing, and sibling rivalry,
" Avoid becoming a skill-less victim
Skills for coping with Stress
Workshop: parents
Time: 1 1/2 hour
This interactive workshop looks at stress issues with parents,
families, and children. Parents will learn the causes of their stress, warning signs and
symptoms, long and short-term health effects of stress, how to reduce and manage stress
though social emotional skills development, how to help and support others, and how to
develop skills their children to cope with stress.
Bullying, Harassment, Victimization
Workshop: parents
Time: 1 ½ hrs
This research based presentation looks at bullying and victimization
from the family perspective. The home environment and parent modeling or addressed, effective
school based programs, and how to help your child are addressed.
The Transition Years
Workshop: Parents
Time: 1 ½ hrs.
The transition from elementary school to middle school, from middle
school to high school, and from high school to college can be overwhelming experience for
both the parents and child. These are the years (12 - 24) where your child's body, brain and
social environment go thought dramatic changes. This presentation helps parents to understand
these changes and how to best support their child. Three different presentations are given
reflecting the transition period.
Back to the Basics Series:
Each workshop is 1 ½ hour long and contains specific skills.
Entitlements and Privileges: How to make your child earn the things they
How to stay out of Power Struggles Are you are tired of the hassles of trying to get your child to do
what you want them to do? Learn how to stay out of power struggles and never lose your temper
Communication: Learn how to increase the communication between you and your child
and develop a closer bond.
Structure and Limits: How to set limits in your home and have your children honor them.
Structure is the corner stone of high functioning adults. It is a must for successful
Motivation: Learn how to motivate your child to live up to their
Click here for more information, to schedule one or more of these workshops, or to