Becker Institute Private Consulting

Parents / Adults
If you're having problems with your children or you just want to improve you parenting skills to
enable your child to have the best chance for a happy, healthy and successful life, Personal Parent
Coaching may be for you. My common sense, back to the basics method of personal parent coaching
works with present problems and helps you develop workable solutions. I find that ninety percent of
the problems that parents and adults have with kids can be solved with good coaching, basic
processing and consistency. I do not provide
Personal Parent coaching usually
consists of two meetings:
One two-hour meeting and a follow up of one hour. In these meetings we will look at things you want
to see changed and develop a plan to meet those needs. For most parents and adults this is all they
need. If they are consistent and follow the plan, things will get better. Change begins with you.
If you don't change, your child can't!
Personal coaching is always better when done in person, but because of technology we can offer this
service to anyone anywhere.
Please contact me at 760-434-7266, cell 760-845-1552 or on line at for fees
and availability.

Personal Coaching
If you are like 80% of my clients who get excited about the plan they have developed and the new
processes they are going to use, then find themselves unable to stay on their program and be
consistent, we are offering an additional program for you that will help keep you on track.
It consists of friendly weekly reminders, monthly check ups and help when you hit roadblocks. It is
an easy way of holding yourself accountable, following your plan, and seeing success.
This program has a monthly fee of $39.95.

Organizations / Business Management
As a personal business coach I work with managers of CEO's in development of the personal social
and emotional skills they need to develop self-reliant and responsible employees. A back to basics
approach looks at establishing basic fundamentals of relationship building, respect, emotional
control, and empowerment as tools for change.
Productive long term change is most successful if implemented from the top down.
Are you standing in the way of your company's success?
Fees and time frames vary
Personal coaching is always better when done in person.
But because if technology we can offer this service to anyone in anyplace.
Please contact me at 760-434-7266, cell 760-845-1552 or on line at for fees
and availability. My client load is limited.
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